Victory Beats, together with the legendary Ukrainian DJ Vlad Fisun , launched online DJing courses as part of the music therapy program at the Rehabilitation Center for adults and children - Superhumans.

Starting with a general history of DJing, a basic study of classic software and the foundations of track construction, step by step they will move on to working with consoles and creating their own sets. Modern technologies allow you to learn DJ skills anywhere and open up almost limitless opportunities for everyone. This is a special creative process that can absorb a person with his head, distract from difficult experiences and anxiety, and significantly reduce the impact of negative mental factors. What we are convinced of, contemplating and communicating with our visitors - real Ukrainian superheroes.

You can help the development of this direction by donating to us your old laptop or remote control, which will be used for training. To do this, just contact us.

Також завдяки підтримці прихільників проєкту, нам вдалося зібрати 25 000 грн., які витрачено на закупівлю обладнання для курсів. На подяку за це разом з світовою зіркою psy-chill та ambient сцени Lab’s Cloud ми підготували фантастичний музичний подарунок – новий альбом Build of silence, що було презентовано 3 випадковим донорам.