A birthday is a time to give gifts!
Charity music project Victory Beats celebrates 1 year!
A year ago, the Victory Beats project started with a simple idea: people could listen to good music and donate directly to volunteers as a thank-you. And everything turned around. During this year, we helped to buy cars, drones, humanitarian aid, evacuated women and children from the frontline zone, helped with rehabilitation, and even realized the dreams of veterans and victims of war.
150 incredible musicians and DJs, серед яких чимало світових зірок, з радістю підтримали проект та дуже допомогли його розвитку. За рік ми еволюціонували від ідеї сет -> донат до численних акцій, ексклюзивів і навіть gifted with a compositiondedicated to the project.
Undoubtedly, the great achievement of Vitory Beats is the starting of music therapy for veterans and victims of war. Today, there are dozens of people in several rehabilitation centers and hospitals in Lviv and Kalush who, with the help of music, were able to significantly improve their mental state, and sleep, reduce anxiety and phantom pains, and thanks to playing musical instruments, they also discovered their long-standing creative dreams of self-realization And we continue to move forward - let's see what will happen in a year.
And now we're celebrating the anniversary with world music legend Seb Taylor!
His multi-genre projects - Kaya Project, Angel Tears, Hibernation, Shakta - are well-known to every connoisseur of quality electronic music. And today, with him, we are starting a festive distribution of musical gifts and souvenirs for your support. In the period from October 25 to 31, do:
- donate from UAH 200 or $5 and win one of 10 musical rarities, many of which have never been released for sale,
- for a donation of UAH 400 or more, or $10 - and win one of the unique souvenirs,
- and for a donation of 600 UAH or $15 - and win a collector's edition of Hibernation.
More donations - more chances to win!
All funds collected will go towards the purchase of musical equipment to develop our direction of music therapy.
Збір закрито!
16000, гітара і… барабани. Коли ми готували цей збір з Seb Taylor, ми точно не сподівалися на саме такий результат, який перевищив усі очікування. Нашу кінцеву мету не просто виконано, а перевиконано! Вже скоро ми закупимо додаткові інструменти для музичної терапії, а переможці збору отримають унікальні музичні подарунки.
Музика рятує життя – це гасло, яке ми разом з вами перетворюємо в реальність! Дякуємо за вашу участь в добрих справах!

P.S. A huge special thanks to each of the 150 artists who supported (and continue to support) Victory Beats in the early stages. None of this would have happened without you. Huge respect to all volunteers. You are an irreplaceable and invaluable part of our defense, and we will continue to support you as much as possible. Glory to Ukraine!
The winners of the raffle will be chosen randomly on November 1 through the Radom.org service for foreign donors and the Monobank raffle for Ukrainian donors. Gifts are sent at the expense of the winner.