Ambiotic — Dreams under the starry sky

Relaxing music therapy from Ambiotic is an immersion in warm peaceful dreams, where you go on a space journey through the infinite Universe, from galaxy to galaxy, from nebula to nebula, connecting with the world, and the Universe looks at you as a reflection of itself.

Ambiotic links.

Музична терапія в Lviv Habilitation Center

Victory Beats розширює співпрацю в напрямку музичної терапії. Ми розпочали співпрацю з першим в Україні абілітаційним центром Lviv Habilitation Center. Це безбар’єрний житловий простір для соціалізації ветеранів та цивільний, постраждалих від війни. Разом з нашим друзями і партнерами проекту Ambiotik and Sagittarius Zen ми проводимо терапевтичні сесії для пацієнтів та працівників центру, знайомимо з суттю музичної терапії її напрямами.

Для нас велика честь допомагати нашим героям і ми прагнемо поширювати музичну терапію в інших закладах та організаціях країни.

Ambiotik — Ambient healing mix

Greetings friends)
Listen to the ambient relaxing music by Ambiotik Vol.17. This is 2 hours of total relaxation for stress relief and recovery.
Hope you all enjoy

Ambiotic on Mixcloud

Music therapy for Superhumans

Victory Beats together with Aleksandr Sky, a.k.a. Ambiotik started music therapy sessions at war-torn rehabilitation center for adults and children - Superhumans.

It is a great honor and responsibility for us to enable these incredible people to learn to perceive music in a new way and, with its help, to go through difficult stages in life and solve inner difficulties. A huge thanks to Superhumans for this opportunity.

This is a complex project, and together with Ambiotic, we develop individual programs for different audiences and age groups. In many Western countries, music therapy has been successfully used for decades as a highly effective aid in the treatment of PTSD and other psychological problems. For Ukraine, this approach is somewhat unknown so far. Step by step, beat by beat, we will overcome this, too.

Thank you for being with us. Join your friends at Victory Beats, listen to magical music, and support the volunteers!