TheLena — mix for Victory Beats

TheLena is a very young member of the Lviv DnB scene. A graduate of the collab school (collab_dj_school) and a participant in their events as an art designer and a DJ. Has an incredible ability to motivate and inspire people. He draws inexhaustible reserves of energy and positivity from music, travels, and events.

Sounds of Ukraine(SOU) was born on her initiative and is currently conquering the hearts of listeners in London.

TheLena links: SoundCould , Instagram , SOU

100 FPV дронів «Блискавки Перуна»

Impossible is nothing

Victory Beats долучається до командного збору на 100 FPV дронів «Блискавки Перуна» для 42-ої ОМБр, який проводить Лиходійний фонд “Хлопок”.

Лиходії поставили для себе амбітну ціль – 2 млн гривень і ми можемо допомогти їм, зібравши частину суми. Наша мета – UAH 40,000which will go towards the purchase of 2 drones. All accumulated Victory Banks будуть передаватися Лиходіям до закінчення акції. Збір триватиме до 30.04, але чим швидше і більше ми зберемо – тим більше життів ми зможемо врятувати. Для цього треба зробити лише один клік.

Пам’ятаємо, що кожен донат важливий. 100 тисяч не буває, без 1 гривні. Let’s go!

Positive mood

Music surrounds us all around. In ancient times, it was believed that the universe itself was created by music. We hear it everywhere, and it significantly influences our thoughts and moods. Fill your everyday affairs with warm and positive impressions. Our special selection of exclusive sets from world DJs for the best people in the world will help you in this - for you, those who support Ukrainian volunteers!

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Energy music

War devastates and takes away all strength. All of us - both volunteers and donors - need to recharge our batteries and reset our internal tension from time to time. Nothing helps with this better than energetic music. Dance to the sets of our DJs as if no one is watching, get rid of negative sediment, and gain strength to move on to victory!

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Music therapy

Music therapy has been known since ancient Greece. Music heals, soothes, and helps overcome stress and pain. Victory Beats members from all over the world put their love and best thoughts into their music and give it to you. Disconnect from the outside world for 1 hour, relax, and let the music take you through its story. Close your eyes, let the music into you, and be filled with harmony because you deserve it like no one else.

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