Embark on a mind-bending sonic journey with OVERDREAM, the brainchild of Ukrainian psytrance architect Max Kurushyn. Since its inception in 2006, OVERDREAM has shattered sonic boundaries, warping frequencies into mind-expanding anthems that ignite dancefloors and ignite souls. OVERDREAM, a maestro of sound manipulation, has poured his sonic sorcery into hundreds of tracks, each one a portal to euphoric states. His music has graced the hallowed halls of labels like Avatar Records, Woo-Dog Recordings, Visionary Shamanics Records, Skygravity Records, Sentimony Records, Pixan Recordings, Gloom Records and countless others.

But the legend extends far beyond the studio. Max, a charismatic live performer, has taken his sonic alchemy to global stages, mesmerizing crowds in Ukraine, Japan, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Montenegro, Israel, and beyond. Sharing the stage with titans like Ajja, Tzolkin Project, Talamasca, X-Dream, Symbolico, Darwish, Zymosis, Ocelot, Dohm Atma, Drip Drop (to name a few) is a testament to his mastery of the craft.

His sonic expeditions have been meticulously documented in a discography of sonic gems:
“Wonderwise” (2008): An early glimpse into sonic kaleidoscope, bursting with vibrant melodies and infectious grooves.

“Miracles on Schedule” (2016): A sonic odyssey that transcends genres, warping psytrance into a future-forward soundscape.

“Psycollusion” (2020): A collaborative masterpiece, weaving together the talents of OVERDREAM and other sonic architects to create a tapestry of sonic exploration. Besides 3 full-length albums OVERDREAM released well over a hundred tracks as singles, EPs and on compilations.
In 2023, the story took a thrilling turn with the birth of dr34m Records, OVERDREAM’s own imprint, a platform for unleashing his unbridled creative vision.

And the journey continues… As 2024 unfolds, OVERDREAM’s sonic engine roars on, churning out music that continues to push boundaries, ignite dancefloors, and paint smiles on faces around the globe.

Are you ready to transcend reality? Dive into the world of OVERDREAM and prepare for liftoff.

Overdream Soundcloud