DJ Jet — Victory Beats mix

Immersion in psytrance music occurred in 1999, and since 2001, Yura begins to play as Dj Jet.

Cifroteca is a project by Iofik Yuriy created in 2006 and yura’s first track was released on the Skygravity Record compilation.
Yura experimented a lot with music and the selection of equipment and music programs, in the collection of Cifroteca there is 1 album together with Alexei Roof Raiser «Wild Storm» 2013, as well as an album of a Cifroteca that was released in 2022, Yura is also from the team of organizers of the Skygravity Festival and the creator and ideological inspirer of the Skygravity Records label

DJ Jet Soundcloud, Instagram, Facebook

L.o.B — Peace for the World / Drop Acid no Bombs

I saw the light of day in autumn “1975” as: Lars Olaf Bartsch (L.O.B.). Electronic music came into my life in the mid 80s via “DM”, Kraftwerk, PinkFloyd, etc. In the mid-90s my love for Tekkno caught fire and after two or three years I came to psytrance, to which I still devote myself with body and soul. The first events I was allowed to play at were rather small and fine and illegal.

After a newcomer contest, I was lucky enough to play at the “Universe of Tones” and half a year later at the “Sporenreigen” in the Harz, back then under my first name: “Endorphia”. I was also allowed to record the “Eclipse” in beautiful Sauerland. After a few years break, I started again, but now as:”DJ L.O.B.””Waldrauschen” Frechen 2018/19 “Waldbeben” 2019 “Final Fantasy” 2019 Debut in the chillout as “Olaf” “FinalFantasy-We are one” Twisted Floor 2019 “Druckluft” Oberhausen “Hasenbau” 2019 Then I was lucky with “HypnoticSpaceRecords “as a label DJ. Debut for the label, there was then: “HSR X-MasLabel Party”. Well, I just have to say: “Thank you for your support and for many more unforgettable events.In 2021 I founded my own non-profit label Turiya_Rec.
Boom Bolenath, your Lars aka L.O.B.

R4dium — Twilight Mix for Victory Beats

R4DIUM is the DJ project of Joshii Forrest. R4DIUM’s journey started some 6 years ago when he first discovered the psychedelic scene from a group of good friends who invited him to Noetic Flux in Leeds, where he instantly fell in love with the music. Soon after, he decided to give mixing a go at an afterparty and it was an instant connection.

R4DIUM has played many sets around the UK since then, from the likes of close-knit parties like BadPeopleInTheWoods, to larger events like FaeriePirates, Imaginary Cat, Shanti, Satori, Celtic Tribe, Technicolour and this year he will be manning the decks on the dark stage at Existance festival.

R4DIUM has a vast collection of psychedelic bangers from Full on, to Twilight, to Forest, all the way to HiTech and Psycore that he loves to blast for the ears of ALL Psytrance lovers ⚡🚀

R4DIUM Soundcloud

SHYLODELIC — Good evening,we’re from Ukraine

SHYLODELIC – електронний проект українського музиканта Ігоря Шило, створений у 2013 році. Родом із яскравої електронної музичної сцени України, SHYLODELIC — артист, який виходить за межі звуку та стилю. Ще в 2007 році він глибоко зацікавився електронною музикою і на початку 2011 року збудував домашню студію, щоб зосередити всю свою енергію на мікшуванні музики. Маючи смак до всіх видів електронно-психоделічної музики Ігор поєднує в собі елементи Trance, Ecstatic, Techno та Chill щоб створити унікальне звучання, яке завоювало популярність у багатьох країнах. У цьому безмежному стилі він вирізняється своєю оригінальністю.

Він інтуїтивно налаштовується на натовп і спілкується з нею за допомогою мови музики.

Залежно від події, регулює ширину звукового спектру. В даний час грає на заходах та фестивалях у Нідерландах, Словаччині, Австрії, Туреччині, Німеччині та Індії (GoA) репрезентуючи музичний лейбл Space Baby Rec. Кожен вихід Ігоря на сцену – це незабутня вистава, кожен його виступ – це нескінченна чарівна історія, що розгортається у велику кульмінацію на імʼя Танець!


Ashstafari — Victory Beats mix 2024

Dj Ashstafari, real name Ash Moon, is a DJ on the Psychedelic Trance scene, having focused primarily on Electro and Tech house genres for many years under various aliases before making the switch to Psytrance. His creative style sets him apart when mixing sets, with his long, high energy, driving mixes and exciting transitions, he is the transporter of minds and souls to a psychedelic paradise that, while leaving you knackered, strangely also leaves you feeling re-invigorated!! His deep passion for Psytrance is clearly felt in his delivery and is an assault on the senses not to be missed!

The UK based artist is a Crystal Kids and Simbiotyk Records resident and has played at festivals and events for the likes of Beat Herder, Landed, Equinox, Shanti, Psyfunktion Records, Faerie Pirates, Tynepsyde Crew, and the Liberty Captains.