DJ Jet — Victory Beats mix

Immersion in psytrance music occurred in 1999, and since 2001, Yura begins to play as Dj Jet.

Cifroteca is a project by Iofik Yuriy created in 2006 and yura’s first track was released on the Skygravity Record compilation.
Yura experimented a lot with music and the selection of equipment and music programs, in the collection of Cifroteca there is 1 album together with Alexei Roof Raiser «Wild Storm» 2013, as well as an album of a Cifroteca that was released in 2022, Yura is also from the team of organizers of the Skygravity Festival and the creator and ideological inspirer of the Skygravity Records label

DJ Jet Soundcloud, Instagram, Facebook

L.o.B — Peace for the World / Drop Acid no Bombs

I saw the light of day in autumn “1975” as: Lars Olaf Bartsch (L.O.B.). Electronic music came into my life in the mid 80s via “DM”, Kraftwerk, PinkFloyd, etc. In the mid-90s my love for Tekkno caught fire and after two or three years I came to psytrance, to which I still devote myself with body and soul. The first events I was allowed to play at were rather small and fine and illegal.

After a newcomer contest, I was lucky enough to play at the “Universe of Tones” and half a year later at the “Sporenreigen” in the Harz, back then under my first name: “Endorphia”. I was also allowed to record the “Eclipse” in beautiful Sauerland. After a few years break, I started again, but now as:”DJ L.O.B.””Waldrauschen” Frechen 2018/19 “Waldbeben” 2019 “Final Fantasy” 2019 Debut in the chillout as “Olaf” “FinalFantasy-We are one” Twisted Floor 2019 “Druckluft” Oberhausen “Hasenbau” 2019 Then I was lucky with “HypnoticSpaceRecords “as a label DJ. Debut for the label, there was then: “HSR X-MasLabel Party”. Well, I just have to say: “Thank you for your support and for many more unforgettable events.In 2021 I founded my own non-profit label Turiya_Rec.
Boom Bolenath, your Lars aka L.O.B.

Nick Technick — Funky House And Another Ethnic

DJ Nick Technick, або просто Nick Technick – це хлопець Микола, який народився у 1961-му, і виріс, мабуть, у найщасливіші роки 20-го століття. У роки, коли післявоєнне будівництво та розвиток досягли свого піку, «cool jazz» був популярною музикою на телебаченні, а «ранкова зірка» рок-музики “виблискувала” альбомами “The Beatles” і збирала людей у Вудстоку.

Микола закінчив музичну школу, грав на міських танцях і захоплювався «Led Zeppelin» та «Yes». Потім поїхав до Харкова, аби закінчити інститут радіоелектроніки, але паралельно в Харківському університеті на факультеті громадських професій отримав у Сергія Короткова «Посвідчення №123» про надання професії «пропагандист естрадної музики, організатор дискотек». І там же у Харкові з 1980-го по 1983-й став організатором та ДіДжеєм в одному з перших харківських музичних клубів «Клуб 5».

Подальші 80-ті відбулися у Донецькому Рок-клубі та у складі кількох рок-гуртів та музичних проектів. Але прийшли «лихі» 90-ті, і Микола «посунув» музику на рівень недільного хобі. Далі росли сини, які теж займалися музикою, та стимулювали тата захопитися електронікою, DAW & DJ Program. І ось кілька років тому прийшла пенсія, пішла робота, і Микола знову двома руками «взявся за старе». Музичні альбоми продаються на Bandcamp, ДіДжейські сети публікуються на Mixcloud, у вихідні – «живі» ефіри зі спальні… А чим ще займатися старому за 38 кілометрів від лінії фронту? Весело проводити час в очікуванні чергового обстрілу! )

Композиції до міксу відбиралися за наявності фанкових рифів та цікавих мелодій. Для тих, хто любить у спідній білизні танцювати на кухні.

Картинку до мікса намалювала моя донька Ольга. Вона – аутистка.

DJ Fada — Mix for Ukraine

Fada is a project designed by Andreia Mendes since 2005. She seeks to offer a deep sound experience with wide variety of styles around the psychedelic chillout, with well defined bass frequencies, dub beats, dimensional atmospheres, tribal & hypnotic rhythms and many natural, organic & instrumental elements, mixing and connecting the ancestral mysteries with the highest contemporary technologies. Both for dancing and for relaxing, her sets are built under harmonic sonic lines for access to a pleasant state of mind. Her journey invites you to fly through genres such as psychill, psydub, future bass, temple step, glitch spiritual, ethnochill, downtempo, IDM, and everything else that is magical and transcendental for this sacred and special mission.

Maitri – Exhalation
Spoq – Day One
Arcturus – The Intrepid Traveler
Martins Garden – Fluid Flow
Dino – Butterfly
Aquiver – Inmaiden
Soloe – Pulse
Birds of Paradise – Lucid Dream
ph-Zero – One Infinite Midnight
Felix Ando – Encounters
Goosebumpz – Deadlock
Tipper – Gulch
Subaqueous – Voyage (Bogtrotter Rmx)
Somatoast – Stepping on Cracks (Bwoy De Bhajan Rmx)

Links: Soundcloud, Merkabamusic, Facebook, Bandcamp

Nehama — Hypervibez, Bangalore

NEHAMA is the brainchild of psy-trance DJ LIORA (UKR). Primarily focusing on Dark Minimal/Psy-tech sounds, NEHAMA’s sets take us from constant grooving mood to a journey into the vortex.

Starting the journey into the techno scene since 2017 in Goa, NEHAMA has earned a reputation as versatile artist who can carry the crowd at any given set, thanks to her razor sharp DJing skills and a tracklist like no other. A university lecturer for accounts by profession and having a rather technical approach towards music, her understanding and attention to details paired with ever evolving decks control is what sets her apart. Growing with every gig she plays in skill and popularity, she’s known to have created some magical moments in the underground minimal/psy-tech scene in Goa, playing alongside notable and established artists from the space, Ash Roy, Lampe, Fernanda Pistelli, DJ Lion, Lewis, Black hertz and Calm Chor to name a few. She has also gained a lot of popularity with playing around India in Delhi, Bangalore, Himachal etc as one of the few and leading female minimal/psy-tech DJ/artist.

With upcoming releases on respected labels, NEHAMA aims to be a representative of the Goa underground music community in established international festivals (like Mo:dem, Modular, Ozora etc) which have bridged the gap between Psy-trance techno and chill music, where she perfectly belongs.

Nehama Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram