Infinite Being — Victory Beats Mix

About Infinite Being:

Infinite Being emerges today, poised to awaken the world's consciousness. With a profound focus on deep meditation, his music transcends mere auditory experience to penetrate the very essence of your being. As a producer, he crafts ethereal melodies and powerful trance lines that resonate with spiritual depth.

His musical journey is a cosmic odyssey, woven with threads of magnificence and enlightenment. From the depths of his soul springs forth a narrative that speaks to the very core of existence. Music, particularly trance, has been an integral part of his life since inception, captivating his spirit with its deep melodies and resonant basslines.

Driven by an insatiable passion to connect with the world through music, Infinite Being channels boundless power, love, and light through his compositions. His lifelong dream is to stand upon the stage as a maestro of sound, weaving intricate tapestries of cosmic harmony.

In his DJ sets, harmony reigns supreme as he seamlessly blends his own creations with those of other esteemed artists. Drawing from a palette of melodic progressive and full-on trance, he paints a kaleidoscopic portrait of the soul. Tune in and experience the transcendent power of the cosmic being within, as Infinite Being invites you to embark on a journey of oneness and enlightenment through the divine medium of music.

Infinite Being on SoundCloud, Spotify, Youtube, Instagram

GusGus for Superhumans

ЗБІР ЗАКРИТО! Легендарні та неповторні GusGus повертаються в Україну. І не тільки з незабутнім концертом, але й з суперпідтримкою центру реабілітації постраждалих від війни для дорослих та дітей Superhumans!

З 10 по 16 червня зроби донат від 200 грн на Victory-банку та приймай участь у розіграші нової платівки GusGus – DanceOrama. Усі зібрані кошти буде спрямовано на підтримку відділення психологічної реабілітації центру. Більше донатів — більше шансів виграти та більше допомоги українським супергероям!

Підтримай зараз

Через війну тисячі українців отримали складні поранення, були травмовані на полі бою чи на вулицях міст. Superhumans безкоштовно надає послуги із протезування, реабілітації, реконструктивної хірургії, відновлення слуху та психологічної підтримки, яка відіграє критичну роль у подальшому поверненню пацієнтів до повноцінного життя. Приєднуйтесь до спільної ініціативи GusGus, Victory Beats та Igor Smailov — хороша музика рятує життя!

Про GusGus

GusGus спочатку був створений у 1995 році як кіно та акторський колектив. Назва групи відсилає до німецького фільму 1974 року «Алі: Страх з’їдає душу» (нім. Angst essen Seele auf) Райнера Вернера Фассбіндера, де жіночий персонаж готує кус-кус для свого коханого, вимовляючи його Гусгус. Музика GusGus є еклектичною, і хоча в основному класифікується як техно, тріп-хоп і хаус, група також експериментувала з іншими стилями. Вони зробили ремікси пісень таких популярних виконавців, як Björk, Depeche Mode, Moloko та Sigur Rós.

Urklang in Dub — The Tribe (Merkaba Music)

About Urklang:

Urklang is the Solo-Project of Fabian Kerschbaum, Music-Producer, Music-Coach, Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Artist, Art-Therapist and DJ from Austria.

Urklang is a journey through different psychedelic styles and sub-genres from the PsyTrance-World. The main character of his music is the storytelling, zenonesque, and deep progressive style which he stands for and makes you travel through different spherees and emotions, through time and space, bringing ancient feelings echoed through different worlds, filled with organic melodies, an intelligent sound-design, psychedelic sounds mixed with glitchy moments and driving basslines.

His first contact with making music was when he received a guitar as a gift when he was 5 years old. Since then he was captivated and knew that he wanted to be a musician. Over the years, he learned different instruments and started producing electronic music in 2001. Producing DnB, Jungle, Dub, and Tekkno and having several Reggae-Bands was an important and funny experience but not totally fulfilling for him. In 2015 he decided to make a break from public performances and his former alter egos, and started producing in his beloved genres PsyTrance and PsyDub, and founded the project Urklang.

Fabian is also the founder of the “Urklang Academy”. With his holistic Coaching & Mentoring Program for Electronic Dance Music he teaches everything about becoming a professional music producer.

Urklang on SoundCloud, Facebook page, Instagram, LinkTree

Max Rider — Retrospective. Faint Music

Max Rider is from Dnipro, Ukraine but has lived in Israel for the past six years. He started his DJ career almost 30 years ago—in 1995—and since then, he has played at hundreds of events and organized his own. In particular, he was a co-organizer of the famous Mysterika trance festival. Max Rider joins Victory Beats with his special ambient set because music therapy is needed by everyone who is going through war these days.


01 SVLBRD – Hvit
02 Powlos – Humanaire
03 Pepo Galán – Blurry Memory
04 Faru – Ella
05 Powlos – Apophenia
06 Purl & Hivetribe – Interstellar Frequencies
07 Data Domain – Quantum Gravity
08 Araceae – Gleaming Embers
09 SVLBRD – The Reef (Joachim Spieth Remix)
10 Logic Moon; Atmøsphäre – Rings of Saturn
11 Jose Soberanes – Sobre Tus Aguas
12 Jose Soberanes – Obituario

Max Rider on SoundCloud, Hearthis, Mixcloud

DJ Koran — Saturday Jungle

DJ Koran's music menu has a lot of delicious styles and trends, but the main thing is broken rhythms and music that allows you to find peace of mind. Such styles and directions as Drum&Bass, Neurophunk, Liquid funk, Soulful Drum&Bass, Ambient, New Age and much more...

This set was inspired by the work of the wonderful Spanish group Invadertz. The boys liked the result. We hope you will like it too.


1. Invadhertz – Daydreaming
2. Invadhertz – Late Night Tales
3. Invadhertz & Tephra & Arkoze – Mind Games
4. Rune & Kaiza & Invadhertz – Breaku
5. Invadhertz feat. LaMeduza – Nourishing Souls
6. Invadhertz – Mercury Rising
7. Invadhertz – Darkroom
8. Invadhertz feat. MC Gusto – Battle Lines
9. Invadhertz – No Love
10. Invadhertz & Tephra & Arkoze – When in Rome
11. Invadhertz & Kentro – Stay Low
12. Invadhertz – Distortion
13. Invadhertz – Into a Dream
14. Invadhertz – Back To Darkness
15. Invadhertz – Bison
16. Invadhertz – Burn
17. Invadhertz – Cold Fluid
18. Invadhertz – Something About You
19. Invadhertz – Computers Are Learning
20. Invadhertz – Overrun
21. Invadhertz feat. Hijak MC – Hardwired
22. Invadhertz – Shape The Future
23. Invadhertz – Nothing More
24. Invadhertz – In Depth
25. Invadhertz – Paperbag
26. Draize & Invadhertz – Railroad
27. Invadhertz – Everything I Need
28. Invadhertz & Tephra & Arkoze – Wave Groove
29. Invadhertz – Killa Sound
30. Invadhertz & Ephyum – Mentalism
31. Invadhertz & Qua Rush – Damn
32. Felix Raymon & Invadhertz – Lucifer
33. Invadhertz – Anxiety
34. Invadhertz – Intoxicated
35. Invadhertz – If You
36. Invadhertz – Alone
37. Invadhertz – Machine
38. Ephyum feat. Lifesize MC feat. Lifesize MC – Antimatter

DJ Koran on SoundCloud, YouTube, Mixcloud