BoChorno — Victory Beats DnB session

BoChorno – львівський продюсер та діджей, який є співорганізатором формації “Overdose”. Богдан з дитинства займався музикою, опанувавши декілька інструментів. Зараз активно розвиває драм’н’бейс у Львові, пишучи треки та організовуючи вечірки “Overdose” . Також експериментує на виступах з електрогітарою, додаючи її лайвом до міксу.

BoChrono on SoundCloud, Instagram, Overdose

LUTMx — mix for Victory Beats

У цьому міксі я прагнув відобразити суть конфлікту в Україні. Він починається з яскравих і оптимістичних мелодій, що відображають Україну до війни та російського вторгнення – країну, що швидко розвивається та наповнену потенціалом.

Потім настрій змінюється на темніші та глибші біти, що відгукуються анексією росією Криму та Донбасу. Ці глибші, більш похмурі звуки продовжують звучати в міксі, натякаючи на давні напруження, які існували навіть до початку війни. Як мікс наближається до кінця, темп зростає, ілюструючи поточний інтенсивний конфлікт з росією та мужню боротьбу України проти значно більшого супротивника. Я спеціально включив трек від Yoxden, який дійсно захоплює цю боротьбу Давида проти Голіафа.

Мікс закінчується на надійній ноті з треком під назвою “Новий День”, що представляє перемогу України та повернення всіх її територій.

Слава Україні, Героям слава! Вічна пам’ять усім загиблим солдатам та цивільним. Разом до перемоги.


01: Alien Perfect – Utmost finesse
02: SL8R – Sunset boulevard
03: Fixate – Window seat
04: Breakage – Style
05: Jubei, Dakuan – Glow worm (Original mix)
06: Derrick & Tonika – Gobo
07: Ray Keith – The dark soldier (Critical Impact VIP remix)
08: Dotdash and Azotix – Speed by
09: Dub Head – Your style
10: Critical Impact – Ten9Eight
11: Dead Dred – Dred bass (Bladerunner remix)
12: Conrad Subs – Oi rudeboy (Dunk remix)
13: Critycal Dub – Mindlock
14: PAV4N – All on black (Fixate’s ’98 spesh)
15: Classifyed – Natty dub
16: Think Tonk – What a ting (L-Side remix)
17: Kravitz – Hypnotherapy
18: Unglued – Sunbathing in space
19: Yoxden – ОП ОП ЗСУ Показує хіп хоп
20: DJ Direkt – Didgery don’t
21: Oram – Big sound
22: Nevidomy/Nik Low – New day

LUTMx on SoundCloud

J.Zef — mix for Victory Beats

J.ZeF — DJ, organizer, primary visionary of the Collab Promo and Sounds of Ukraine formations.

1.Klinical – Sweet Lies
2.Rizzle – Let You Go
3.Ground – Hydroponic
4.Sublumen – Resurrected (Original Mix)
5.Ongaku/ Rizzle – Give You
6.Mind Zero, Marina Samba – Shut My Eyes
7.Hymix & RLY – Unhinged
8.Creatures/ Joe Raygun – Gonzo Transmission
9.Iamdoomed, M:FX – Quadra
10.Tomoyoshi, DJ Dai – Rave On
11.Quadrant&Iris, Klippee, Combine – AeroPress
12.Dj Linky – Don’t Give Up The Fight
13.Revan, Bluejay – Night Beats
14.Boycot – Man Down
15.The Sauce & Rider Shafique – Mercenary
16.Dutta – Space Music
17.HOST, T-Man – Giant
18.Boycot – On The Reg
19.MINDSET, Nymfo – Fill Your Mind
20.Friex- Rust
21.Leks – Near Misses (Original Mix)
22.Xyde – Netrunners
23.Wingz – One Beat
24.Modu – Spend The Night
25.Chimpo – Double Dutch
26.Quadrant – Say Less
27.Exept – Timeless
28.Rockwell – Comfy
29.Ripple – Crypto (Original Mix)

J.ZeF Instagram, Soundcloud, Facebook

London Elektricity — Ukraine mix Feb. 24

Tony Colman, better known as London Elektricity, is a formidable figure in the world of drum & bass. As the co-founder and CEO of Hospital Records and sister label Med School, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the genre we know today. Alongside being an accomplished producer and DJ, Tony is the mastermind behind the multi award-winning Hospital podcast, which has garnered a massive following.

London Elektricity has earned a first-class reputation through some of Hospital’s biggest anthems, including “Billion Dollar Gravy,” “Different Drum,” and “Just One Second.” His passion for drum & bass began in the 1990s, and since then, he has continued to evolve the genre. With an impressive discography of singles, EPs, remixes, six artist studio albums, and two live albums, London Elektricity is undoubtedly a legend in the D&B scene, boasting a global fanbase.

Early on, Tony’s debut album “Pull The Plug” was released on Hospital Records in 1999, followed by “Billion Dollar Gravy” in 2003 and “Power Ballads” in 2005. Between 2003 and 2005, he fronted London Elektricity Live, a remarkable project that featured jazz/soul legend Liane Carroll, vocalist MC Wrec, co-producer Landslide, and The Jungle Drummer. The Live performances took them around the world, and they even released two DVDs – “Live Gravy” (2005) and “Live At The Scala” (2007).

In 2008, London Elektricity returned to the studio to create his fourth studio album, “Syncopated City,” which was followed by album number five, “Yikes!” in 2011, featuring the vocal talents of Swedish vocalist Elsa Esmeralda. The latter was launched at the iconic Hospitality Brixton.

In 2014, Tony worked on an exciting project alongside S.P.Y and Diane Charlemagne, creating the soundtrack for the incredible Street Child World Cup in Rio titled “I Am Somebody.”

Between 2018 and 2022, London Elektricity continued to tour regularly and release new music, staying at the forefront of the drum & bass scene. However, in 2023, something special happened. The year saw the release of “Billion Dollar Remixes,” the 14th album by London Elektricity, released on Hospital Records. It was a 20th-anniversary version of the seminal “Billion Dollar Gravy” album from 2003. Additionally, the track “Vasquez” was released as part of the NHS 500 compilation.

2023 brought on some significant shows, including appearances at Let It Roll Festival (Czechia), Locus in Tulum, Mexico, Uava in Kyiv, Ukraine, Glastonbury Festival, Freedom Parade (Lodz, Poland), and Sun n Bass Festival (Italy).

As we look ahead to 2024, fans can anticipate a deluge of new music releases from London Elektricity on UKF, Metalheadz and Shogun and a USA tour in March. And of course he releasing this year on Hospital Records. There is an air of excitement not only among fans but also within the entire Drum & Bass community, as London Elektricity is set to treat them to something truly extraordinary. The anticipation is high, and everyone is eagerly watching this space!

London Elektricity links: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Merch, Linktree