Zymosis — Victory Beats MIX

Zymosis — український psytrance та psybient проект, заснований у 1998 році музикантом, композитором і діджеєм Дмитром Ліхачовим.

Дмитро має академічну освіту з класу фортепіано, а свої перші експерименти в електронній музиці почав ще підлітком. Брав участь у десятках фестивалів і сотнях вечірок в Україні, Европі та Азії.

Всеосяжна любов до музики і невгамовний дух експериментаторства заохочують Дмитра шукати себе у різних alter ego. Перший альбом Zymosis створювався під впливом стилів музики 90-х: breakbeat, drum’n’bass, psytrance. Пізніше у музиці композитора починають з’являтися фолкові мотиви, пререплетені зі свіжими і сучасними електронними вібраціями, та різні жіночі вокали (Ольга Троян, Вікторія Григо, Катя Чілі).

Zymosis повсякчас розсуває межі жанру chillout, адже у його музиці багато елементів східної етніки. Загалом у композиціях Zymosis виразно простежується вплив класичної музики, яку автор переосмислює і трансформує за допомогою psytrance-звучання, що є основною складовою пізнаваного авторського стилю. Музикант весь час шукає цікаві ракурси і нове звучання.Виступав на одній сцені з такими проектами як Infected Mushroom, Juno Reactor, Shpongle та іншими легендами електронної музики.

Zymosis on SoundCloud, YouTube, Bandcamp

Cosmic Touch — Kosmos Festival 2023

Merkaba Music artist & founder of UnityVerse Music, Cosmic Touch is a Helsinki based psychedelic bass music producer/dj/curator on a sonic quest to re-connect with that which is within. Cosmic Touch creates a unique blend of spirit uplifting hybrid bass music which fuses world and ethnic sounds with cutting edge electronic music techniques to create a mystical & bass filled psychedelic moment for dancers and listeners to explore.

Love one another <3

Cosmic Touch on SoundCloud

Kick Bong — Mix For Victory Beats

Originally from Paris, I started music as a drummer at the age of 12, I met Romy a bassist singer with whom we formed our first group Romy et les gateaux secs and we signed an album with Barclay in 1991.

After having played with different groups and styles in 1997 I discovered electronic music and from there I started to set up my home studio in 2001 I released my first title from my project Kick Bong (chill out, electronica) with which I never stopped producing albums and Ep’s, and performing live at various festivals around the world. At the same time my other project Triptone (Trip hop, electro) is living nicely with several featurings. Today I start my new project Carmel.0 a project focused on electro, punchy and sensual house for you to discover!

Live concerts and mixes at Glade (Uk), Waveform festival (Uk), Boom festival (Portugal), Sinergia (Portugal), Utopia (Portugal), Diabolus in musica, (Portugal) Existence (Spain), Omni (Spain), Arcadia (France), Hadra (France), Digital Harmonium (France), Cabaret Sauvage (Paris), Club Nordstar (Zurich)
Aurora festival (Greece), Ambiosonic (France), Ozora (Hungary), Samsara (Hungary), Sunfestival (Hungary),
Chill top festival (India Goa)

Kick Bong SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Spotify

AES DANA — Interstice (Live Set)

Vincent Villuis aka AES DANA is composer, sound designer, DJ and founder of Ultimae records label. An electronic activist for over 25 years, also a founding member of the Asura band.

Bass player and singer in several coldwave and industrial bands as a teenager, Vincent then moved on to composing with machines and specialised in audio sampling and layering of acoustic sounds digitally transmuted. Its music ensures a coherent fusion between Deep Ambient, Downtempo and IDM with a touch of Electronica Neo-Classical, Indus & Liquid Drum’n’Bass.

As AES Dana he has produced 10 albums, a collection of audio samples and about 50 tracks for various compilations, while collaborating with the Swedish artist Magnus Birgersson (aka Solar Fields) under the moniker H.U.V.A. NETWORK on 3 albums and with the Greek artist MIKTEK on 3 EP releases gathered later in the concept album « Far & Off ». They also worked together on the “Fragments 01 & 02” sample libraries. His solo-designed music library «Aethers» (co-published with Loopmasters) which was voted « best Cinematic Ambient sound bank » in 2015.

He composed scores and licensed existing works for short and feature films, documentaries and BBC tv programs such as « Atrophy Bank » by Sam Asaert, « The Passport » by Amund Lie, « Mandorla » by Roberto Miller or « Breath of Life » by Susan Kucera which opened new perspectives on composition and sound design and collaborations with various advertising agencies.

He is also the curator of the Fahrenheit Project compilations. As head of the Ultimae Studios, he earned a solid reputation for his audio mastering works & Sound Design.

He also works on several projects in parallel: remixes, scorings & special projects.

Links: Official page , Linktr.ee

DJ Fada — Mix for Ukraine

Fada is a project designed by Andreia Mendes since 2005. She seeks to offer a deep sound experience with wide variety of styles around the psychedelic chillout, with well defined bass frequencies, dub beats, dimensional atmospheres, tribal & hypnotic rhythms and many natural, organic & instrumental elements, mixing and connecting the ancestral mysteries with the highest contemporary technologies. Both for dancing and for relaxing, her sets are built under harmonic sonic lines for access to a pleasant state of mind. Her journey invites you to fly through genres such as psychill, psydub, future bass, temple step, glitch spiritual, ethnochill, downtempo, IDM, and everything else that is magical and transcendental for this sacred and special mission.

Maitri – Exhalation
Spoq – Day One
Arcturus – The Intrepid Traveler
Martins Garden – Fluid Flow
Dino – Butterfly
Aquiver – Inmaiden
Soloe – Pulse
Birds of Paradise – Lucid Dream
ph-Zero – One Infinite Midnight
Felix Ando – Encounters
Goosebumpz – Deadlock
Tipper – Gulch
Subaqueous – Voyage (Bogtrotter Rmx)
Somatoast – Stepping on Cracks (Bwoy De Bhajan Rmx)

Links: Soundcloud, Merkabamusic, Facebook, Bandcamp